
James Hurburgh

The projects below are my tinkerings in html, css and javascript.

Gaming Resources

Character Sheet

A character sheet manager for MtAw.

Go to Character Sheet

MtAw Spell book

An easy way to find spells defined in the MtAw world.

Launch nWod Spell Viewer


Adventurers of Otium

An adventurer management game.

Go to Adventurers of Otium

Slime Swiper

Simple game idea.

Launch Slime Swiper


State of Origin Stats

Showing statistics around the game.

Go to State of Origin Stats


City at Night

A city scape at night.

Launch City at Night


An experiment in advertising that isn't subliminal.

Launch Liminal

Calvin and Hobbes - Looking at the stars

An animated version of the Calvin and Hobbes looking at the stars comic.

Launch Calvin and Hobbes